Saturday 13 December 2008

Spiritual Maturity

I just read the passage in Hebrows 5:11 - 6:3. It talks about beleivers being spiritually dull and being immature in that they need to keep going over the same basic Chrisitan principals over and over again. I don't want to be that kind of Christian that is always needing to be spoon fed basic teaching on salvation and repentance from pastors and church leaders, I want to do as Paul suggests and go on to spiritual maturity, consuming the solid food of Christian teaching, feeding myself instead of expecting it from pastors and teachers. I want to read the word more than I do at the moment and I want to be basing my life on what I read in the bible. God help me to live that kind of life of spiritual maturity.

New years LAN

I'm really keen to have a LAN party this December and January. I'm a gamer and I love computer games, there's no two ways about it. I don't like all the same games as other people, but that's fine. I'd be keen for Kelly to join us and also for Leigh's boyfriend Paul to come along as well. It's a good environment for friendships to form, and we know that from there, God makes his way ino conversations and people are saved. Relationships are key to salvation.