Saturday 13 December 2008

Spiritual Maturity

I just read the passage in Hebrows 5:11 - 6:3. It talks about beleivers being spiritually dull and being immature in that they need to keep going over the same basic Chrisitan principals over and over again. I don't want to be that kind of Christian that is always needing to be spoon fed basic teaching on salvation and repentance from pastors and church leaders, I want to do as Paul suggests and go on to spiritual maturity, consuming the solid food of Christian teaching, feeding myself instead of expecting it from pastors and teachers. I want to read the word more than I do at the moment and I want to be basing my life on what I read in the bible. God help me to live that kind of life of spiritual maturity.

New years LAN

I'm really keen to have a LAN party this December and January. I'm a gamer and I love computer games, there's no two ways about it. I don't like all the same games as other people, but that's fine. I'd be keen for Kelly to join us and also for Leigh's boyfriend Paul to come along as well. It's a good environment for friendships to form, and we know that from there, God makes his way ino conversations and people are saved. Relationships are key to salvation.

Wednesday 19 November 2008

What does it mean to be a Christian?

What does it mean to be a Christian? Is it about doing good, living by the rules of a religion? Is it about filling in time here on earth while waiting for our ascent into heaven? There must be something more. Surely we have a purpose in this life beyond making money, sleeping, working and dying.

Something we really need to understand about the world is that, yes God loves us – but it's not about God loving us at all. It's about God. Everything is about God. He is the Alpha and the Omega, The beginning and the end and without him nothing that exists has come into being. The story the universe and therefore the meaning of life, the universe and everything is all about God, and we are his treasured creations.

We have been given life by God's breath and whilst we have made a mess of our world, He has given us quite an amazing planet to live on. God is worthy of worship, it's quite simple. He created the stars – do you have any idea how massive the universe is, how complex every star and planet, how intricate the human body? God is amazing! And every person on this earth should give him the glory for the great things he has done.

God's desire

God is really keen to make contact with the rest of the world, but he's not about to force himself on people like a dictator. Check out Ezekiel 36:22-23: “...It is not for your sake, O house of Israel, that I am going to do these things, but for the sake of my holy name... I will show the holiness of my great name ... Then the nations will know that I am the LORD, declares the Sovereign LORD, when I show myself holy through you before their eyes.” (my emphasis added). And Habakkuk 2:14

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”.


His plan to reach the nations through people started with Abraham: Take a look at Genesis 12: 2-3:

I will make you into a great nation
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.

I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.

This promise of God to bless Abraham and his descendants is given with the intention that Abraham and his descendants would bless all the peoples of the earth. We see also in Ezekiel 36 that God wants to use Israel to make his name known all over the earth, even though they had not done so well so far.

Blessings today

This blessing extends to us today. In Galatians 3:8-9 the author states “The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: "All nations will be blessed through you." So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.” and in Acts 3:25-26: “You are really the ones God told his prophets to speak to. And you were given the promise that God made to your ancestors. He said to Abraham, "All nations on earth will be blessed because of someone from your family." God sent his chosen Son to you first, because God wanted to bless you and make each one of you turn away from your sins.”

That's fantastic! The blessing is given to us non-Jewish follows of Christ as well, but why? So that we may be a blessing to others. We cannot simply accept that God has blessed us without accepting the second part of the statement in Genesis 12:2 that commands us to be a blessing to others.

Our mission

So how are we to be a blessing to others and make God's name great thought the earth. Jesus makes it clear in Matthew 28: 19: “Go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”. Our mission is clear, we need to get about the business of sharing the great news of Jesus Christ with people from all over the world. Not all of us need to go overseas and preach, but all of us need to play a part in this task. For this is both the desire of God and the revealed destiny of the church.

And they sang a new song:
"You are worthy to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
because you were slain,
and with your blood you purchased men for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation. (Rev 5:9)

Sunday 12 October 2008

Timeless hymns

I heard an ad on the radio today that said "When it comes to worship, do you think of Charles Wesley before Chris Tomlin, is worship music more pipe organ than iPod to you?" Which started me thinking about timeless hymns of old like "How great thou art" and "Great is thy faithfulness". I know that that ad was directed at older people who would prefer the older songs to the newer stuff, but how do I feel about hymns and modern worship music?

First let me say that my parents took me to church since I was born and in that church we would sing an even combination of old hymns from the baptist hymnal and a selection of songs from the late 20th century, particulary the eighties from a number of sources such as Hillsong Australia (in the form of Geoff Bullock) and Vinyard. As a teenager I became very dissatisfied with this music in the light of my secular music tastes, experiences with a local youth group and churches I visited from time to time, and Christian music CDs I purchased from a local Christian bookstore. When I eventually left that church and joined the aforementioned youth group for other deeper and more positive reasons, I was also glad that I had left those songs behind me.

Nowadays, however I feel somewhat disappointed with the songs that I loved a few years ago and uninterested in the popular Christian worship songs being produced today. I feel a special connection with the timeless hymns of old who's lyrical and musical genius are insignificant compared the the anointing that God has placed upon them. In a few years the world will forget "How great is our God" and "Here I am to worship" but I doubt we'll ever forget "Amazing Grace" or "How great thou art". Something about these songs helps them to endure the tides of popular music as if unlike all other music they simply do not depend in any way on the musical taste of the culture or the listener.

So am I saying that modern worship songs are a waste of breath? Or that if you like them better than my favourite hymns you're a bad Christian? of course not. God's word is living and active, and part of that truth involves the writing of new songs. God is always speaking to His people and songs are a great way to cut past the intellectual barriers we put up. If Churches today sung only the old hymns then think of the many thousands of men and women who would not respond to the Gospel message and the many more who, though saved would struggle to connect with God. I am glad to live in an age where Christian music is being produced that helps ordinary people like me connect with God on an intimate level. On top of this, new songs often reveal something to me I hadn't considered or help me believe in my heart something I already agree with in my mind.

Just don't ever throw out my favorite hymns.

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Mysterious Orbs

In the midst of a church service at a holiday camp this year someone exclaimed that the photos on their camera had little floating glowing orbs everywhere and that these orbs are actually angels. I was taken aback at how strongly they presented their case. I believe that angels do join us sometimes when we worship God, so I'm not trying to say that there aren't any angels present. I am saying that these glowing orbs are simply lens flares and all the photos that have been presented to me thusfar have been taken with the camera's flash on.
"Glory Orbs everywhere!".
To create the photo below I simply placed a reflective piece of material just out of shot on the bottom left, the result - these lens flares.

"Orbs" by you.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday 16 August 2008


I’m trying to get the old idea factory running – a.k.a. my brain. It seems to be a slow process and so far I’ve not come up with anything particularly funny.
Amos and I tried to do a follow up to this video:
That video was scripted (though we didn’t take the time to learn the lines, which was probably more funny than the actual jokes), but Amos and I just improved bad jokes about the wii. We said that a yellow wii would be the way to go because a red wii just isnt right and using someone else’s wii just doesn’t feel right.
Mainly the ideas are still in the tech department – such as: Syntara could have an awesome search page that searches all your database tables for something you want.

1st entry

Well I actually took some time this fine saturday to sit down and read some of the bible – Ephesians 4 – and write about what I’d written. Verse 21 and onwards is a fairly well known passage and it wasn’t exactly challenging to understand it’s meaning and application to my life – It speaks about putting on a new life of kindness to others, humility and satisfaction and putting away your old ways of hatred, jealously and pride – but at least I’m making a start on this. Once again the plan is about twice a week.
I’m really happy that I used the middle of my Saturday for journaling rather than using the 10 minutes before I fall asleep or the 10 minutes after I just wake up.

Lazer tag madness

So I went to zone3 last night, which is this laser tag place where you run around in the dark and shoot each other with lasers. A brilliant concept if I may say so. Now, I go to this place all the time, I have a little chip that I insert into the pack that you wear that signs me in to their system so I get personalized stats and whatnot. Everything worked out fine for the first two matches, I came first in the free-for-all match, and third in the team match - plus my team won, but then in the third match I picked up a different pack and it wouldn't sign in. I tried to explain this to the person there but they didn't know what I was talking about, so I went in anyway, figuring the third game wouldn't go so well for me and it's best not to be on my stats. As soon as the game begins I realise that my gun has no laser sight so I can't see where I'm shooting. Though this could be good for not letting people know where you are, it sucks if you want to be a sniper or just hit someone who's hiding behind a wall. So I eventually decided to go and ask for a replacement gun, which they've happily given me before, only this time the owner wasn't there. When I asked for 'a gun with a laser please' the person put their hand on the sensor and fired the weapon which produced a shooting sound and proceded to tell me that the gun worked fine. I said 'no, it doesn't have a laser sight so I can't see where I'm aiming' and then they asked me why it mattered, saying it shouldn't be a problem, obviously that person doesn't actually play the game. Then we had so much trouble finding a gun who's RJ45 connector wasn't attached with blu-tac (u-tac for non-Aussies) and the person told me 'you know you'll get a different score, right?' - No you don't get a different score, the score registers to the pack, not the gun. Gosh!
So eventually I got back in the game and when all was said and done I got 7th out of 8. Go figure.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday 14 August 2008

Flock Browser, Swul, so many cool techs

So I just got myself this browser called Flock. Totally useless when I'm at work because I'll be totally distracted all the time, but boy is it awsome for social networking. It grabs all of my social online stuff and interacts with it. It's not totally awesome but it's pretty good. Facebook, twitter, flickr, digg,, everything I could think of.
Hey the thing i love most about these sort of things that combine lots of cool stuff is I find out about lots of cool stuff in the process. For example I found out about stumbleupon through using swurl. Brilliant app that takes me to pages I didn't know I wanted to go to but deep down I really did. I love the internet
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday 24 July 2008

Working again

I started back at work again this week - yesterday and today. I'm working two days a week for this week and next week and then I'm back on full time. It feels like it's all happened too fast, for a moment there I was free to enjoy life and I had no stresses and now all of a sudden my every waking hour is booked up with work and other extra-curricular activities. I've been put back on production so I'll be getting up early on Sunday mornings as well. Any freedom I might have gained by going away for a few months has been snatched away from me.
I went to Sydney today to discuss the sale of our product with a potential client. The meeting went well and the clients are great people, so that was a bonus. Still, I had no interest in being there. I hope I put on a good face and asked the right questions. My boss said that everything that I said was perfect, which is an awesome bonus. Looks like I'll be looking after that product as it's manager, which is a bit of a burden but it could be fun.

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Surf Camp

Originally uploaded by stainless32bitsteel
This year's surf camp was different to previous years in some ways, and yet in others it was the same. It's always a time of growing and learning things from God - often not what is being taught in the main meetings. Once again a small contingent of my best friends came along to camp and for the most part I felt pretty anti-social. Coming back from the ship I've found myself fairly inept at most popular games and I don't own anything newer than a PS2. I felt pretty down on myself for these petty reasons, and so harsh comments from some of the kids really got to me.
Over the course of the week, God helped me to get past my bad attitude and to see myself through his eyes. He doesn't care about skills or abilities, he cares about the heart - and when He is my strength, then I need not worry.
The last night of camp was amazing - when God told us to rejoyce him and we had the most awesome time of joyful praise, I felt so free and joyful. Praise God!

Saturday 12 July 2008

Graphic Novels

Graphic Novels
Originally uploaded by stainless32bitsteel
Today I just happened to be in Westfield Hornsby and I stopped by borders on the way home. I stumbled upon their graphic novels section wich blows Tugerah borders out of the water. I must return there another day with some friends. While I was there I purchased the first book of Initial D, looks good.